Bridge to Success Program
NCJW’s National Platform includes a commitment to work toward economic justice, human needs funding, the well-
being of women, children, and families, and ending domestic and sexual violence.
NCJW Sacramento is pleased to partner with Women’s Empowerment through the “Bridge to Success” grants program.
Women’s Empowerment is a local nonprofit organization that trains women to gain the job and interpersonal skills needed to obtain employment, create healthy lifestyles, and regain homes for themselves and their children. These women are unemployed and often homeless. They may lack healthcare and childcare. Some have been trafficked. Others have had abusive partners. Year after year, woman by woman, Women’s Empowerment gives people their lives back.
Even after training, graduates often have relatively small problems that stand in the way of stability. They may lack the money to provide reliable transportation, to pay a utility bill, or make a rent deposit. They may need help with fees for continuing education to secure employment. When we learned of this unmet need, NCJW Sacramento decided to fill it. NCJW Sacramento is the first nonprofit organization to partner with Women’s Empowerment to assist individual graduates of their programs.
The Bridge to Success grant committee awards grants to program graduates via an application process. Grants are awarded to both recent program graduates on a quarterly cycle and are also awarded to any previous program graduate who has an urgent, time-sensitive need at any time throughout the year. NCJW has helped to provide transportation and housing, helped to pay library fines and court fees, provided dental care, education and career licensure.
The Bridge to Success program has enabled many graduates of Women’s Empowerment to improve their lives – a true mitzvah.
NCJW Sacramento Celebrates the Accomplishments of Women’s Empowerment Graduates
For more information about Bridge to Success, contact Rona Sherriff or Annie Hohn.
Click here to view or download the Bridge to Success brochure (PDF).
Make a Bridge to Success program donation today!
By mail: Complete and print the Bridge to Success Donation Form and mail it with your check to NCJW Sacramento, Attn: Bridge to Success, P.O. Box 340174, Sacramento, CA 95834