The Ultimate Hanukkah and Rosh Chodesh Mashup

Photo slideshow of women posing in groups of two, three or more during a gathering.
What a night! Over 35 women, including 10 new and prospective members, attended our New Member Event – the ultimate Hanukkah and Rosh Chodesh mashup. We lit the menorah and welcomed new faces into our fabulous community.

Amidst the glow, we shared with everyone all the incredible work NCJW does. But the real magic was connecting through the sharing of stories of our Hanukkah menorahs. Each tale lit up the room, making the evening extra special.

Many thanks to Davita Levin-Robinson for opening her beautiful home to us and to everyone who brought delicious food and drinks.

Visit the events page of our website for upcoming dates for our Rosh Chodesh gatherings.

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