Order your 2025 Mah Jongg Cards through NCJW Sacramento
The deadline for ordering your 2025 Mah Jongg Cards has already passed and we are no longer accepting orders.
“We are grateful to you for ordering your cards through NCJW Sacramento. We encourage you to ask your friends/families to order through NCJW Sacramento also.” (One doesn’t have to live in the Sacramento area.)
Standard size is $14.00 and large size is $15.00. NCJW will receive $5.00 per card (no additional cost to you) to benefit the needs of women, families and children.
The National Mah Jongg League mails the cards directly to the individual WHOSE NAME IS ON THE ORDER, usually around the first week of April.
(Group orders: All the cards in a group order are sent to the individual who placed the order for their further distribution.)
Deadline for receipt of forms and payments is February 5, 2025. The National Mah Jongg League will send NCJW Sacramento a donation of $5.00 for every card ordered through us (there is no additional cost to you).
- $14.00/card Standard print
- $15.00/card Large print
Please share this information with your mahj playing friends. Questions? Click here to contact Lydia Inghram. Order deadline: February 5, 2025.