NCJW Sacramento represented at NCJW Washington Institute

Sacramento was well represented at the NCJW Washington Institute held on May 15-17, 2022!  In fact, our delegation of seven had someone from five decades – one each in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and two in their 70’s.  A fun and vibrant example of  l’dor v’dor – the Jewish concept about the importance of passing on traditions and stories – from generation to generation.

women smiling in front of a wall sculpture about guarding civil rights

women posing in front of the Capirol

women smiling at gathering at the nation's Capitol

Our thanks  to NCJW Sacramento for supporting our team and the opportunity for us to connect with other advocates and changemakers, and each other, while also experiencing the dynamic power of coming together with like-minded people from across the country.

photo collage of women smiling

ncjw members pose in front of a wall about guarding civil rights and civil liberties

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